May 31, 2007


Since we've run out of Cisne episodes and are restocking the backlog, I found myself desperately wanting to click the upload now button on YouTube. So, while Treasure of the Cisne is preparing for fall sweeps, here is a video from our tour last March that I found laying around.

If you are wondering who the bearded man in the vid is, it is none other than Joel Alter of the Martha Dumptruck Massacre. If you like his jokes, leave him a comment on his Myspace. Also on that myspace is a chilled out sleepy time cover of an old spinto tune. So make some eggs and instead of reading the newspaper's crappy funny pages, watch some youtube on your new Sony.

sock it to me!

May 6, 2007

Treasure of the Cisne Episode 10: Dream of the Cisne

Here is the 10th episode of "Treasure of the Cisne"

Well, friends. It looks like this series is on the verge of wrapping up. What will happen in the next couple of episodes? Will we discover the treasure of the cisne? Will we learn a lesson? Will we stop producing poorly-planned, hastily-written internet serials and make another album? Stay tuned.