Krillington Zero? While that may not exactly role off your tongue, I would suggest you keep practicing because it won't be long before this band achieves household name status. Hailing from just outside of Akron, Ohio, this five-piece displays a wealth of talent on their debut album, Zero to Infinity which features an original blend of hard rock, metal, and even rap. Most surprisingly, though, is the choice of their lead-off single, "Oh Mandy" which is actually a cover of song by an obscure "indie" group, the Spinto Band. But even calling it a "cover" is a bit of a stretch considering how Krillington Zero transforms what was once off-key hipster garble into a powerful, yet emotional musical statement. "We wanted a record that would communicate with everyone, not just one group of people or another," says lead singer Matt Fantegrossi. "We're saying what we feel in a simple way with the hope that if you're a human being with a heart that's beating, you will appreciate at least some part of this record". If you share Fantegrossi's sentiment, be sure to catch them on the road opening for Staind on a national tour spring. Their already infamous stage show manages to turn up both the excitement AND volume. - Alternative Press
I found the track, too if anyone is curious:
While this band may have the worst "metal" sound going...This cover cracks me up everytime I hear this.
If anyone has heard CRISPIN GLOVER cover "these boots are made for walking" cover..than there is a another bad cover to compare how bad this is..
Gotta give these guys some credit though. They picked a great song to cover.
Plus, If they do make it big, the Spinto's will make some $ off the royalities. Lol
Staind are still around!??
This is too funny to be a joke! Incredible!
Is it just me, or do some of the band members kinda look like the spinto band? I think I see some hobsons, a jon eaton at least...Don't know about the blonde with dreads though...Sam?
I call Shenanigans!
[Nick Krill]ington Zero, the "Alternative Press" - who would read this to know anyways?, the fact that I can Google the fake band I made up and get results but your fake real band has no hits, and of course THAT I LOVE STAIND AND KNOW THAT THEY ARE GOING ON TOUR WITH HOOBASTANK BITCHES!!!!!!!!
I like the Spinto-as-Nickelback trope, though
parts of it remind me of dvda, which is probably not what they were going for. off-key hipster garble?!
Joke or not, the recording doesn't sound too far off from the stuff kids listened to when I was in middle school. It's kind of eerie, actually. Stylistically it's not my cup of tea but it comes off sounding believable; I think middle schoolers would love it.
Ridiculous and hilarious!
That makes me laugh so much when he screams "OH MANDYYYYY !" ... I prefer the original version, no doubts.
oh my god..please,just no.
Oh good God. The music is alright, in the beginning, but the vocals made me laugh. Especially how the lyrics don't really mesh with the metal sound. The original is much better.
And what's worse is that I'M from just outside Akron, Ohio. *shame*
Ah. *comprehension* You losers. xD Stop disgracing my town!
you guys have officially hit it big!
lol @ guy on left.
I think they would've done better covering "Brown Boxes"
For some reason, i'm sure i have heard this before. Quite a while back infact!
If I am hearing correctly, is Redux saying that this is actual Hoobistank in disguise?
It sounds like someone in that band needs a hug.
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