If you are unfamiliar with what a rider is, check out The Smoking Gun's list of band's riders (I like the Chili Pepper's meditation room). A rider can be described as a list of junk the venue/promoter provides a band to make them more comfortable on their tour. The Spinto Band has one of these. While it is rarely filled, when it is, we get quite excited. We have items like a veggie tray w/hummus, a case of beer, case of water, and the all important chips and salsa.
We sometimes receive a smattering of these items. Denver was one of these nights, but we got a kick out of which items the promoter chose to include. Something is noticeably absent. Have you ever eaten salsa with apples? It's on the same plane as having a meditation room without an area rug or aromatherapy candles.


The blurriness here represents Tom's confusion as to how we can eat the salsa:
We consider this a Rider Fail, but perhaps one could consider it a Bartender Win. The bartender needed some salsa for his NCAA basketball party the following day so he decided to charge it to the show budget while conveniently forgetting to bring any tortilla chips. Either way we had a good laugh about it and left the salsa, untapped, atop the counter. We prefer it Spicy anyway.