July 11, 2010


Readers of this blog may not be able tell based on the videos we've been posting, but we've ALMOST finished our new album. The recording process has been exciting, but oddly familiar to us. When the we first began creating music together (over a decade ago!) we were just kids recording in a moldy basement on a four track. Even though we recorded hundreds of songs there, we would always visit "real" recording studios to make our "real" albums. Now that we have a space of our own, we have returned to that similar, moldy basement environment.

There is time to take "sound voyages" in search of that perfect noise to use on the chorus. There is room to completely scrap an arrangement and start over without feeling we've wasted time and/money. There is freedom to take a 4 hour long siesta / BBQ in the middle of the day and then return to the studio. All of this creates a positive environment to work in which has lead to the best music we've ever made together.

Can't wait for you to hear it!


Anonymous said...

gotta love the braveheart in the background...what else helps to record back then..;)

Joe said...

Everything about that is wonderful. I can't wait to hear it.

Sixties Relic said...

That's really exciting news!

I'm looking forward to playing a few rounds of "Spot the Recording Update."