While driving through Texas the other day, we passed one of the coolest rest stops we've ever had the pleasure to enter. Somewhere between Houston and Austin we pulled into a Bio-Willie truck stop and found a bunch of pumps pumping Willie Nelson's eco-friendlier diesel gas into trucks.
Hats off to Mr. Nelson. Using his notoriety to help Americans ween off of gasoline is inspiring. I think everyone is now aware that oil industries feed us our daily bread, so why not have our daily bread be healthier for us and have the server be an old hippy with pig tails and a smile? I know that would make me feel more like buying an SUV.

I tried to see if the bio-diesel gas looked any different, but couldn't really tell. All I have figured out so far is that it works with 80% regular diesel and 20% hippy-juice (there are also more eco-friendly grades, all the way up to 100% hippy-juice which is not unlike the DeLorean's fuel intake in Back to The Future 2). Apparently Hummer manufacturers are confused. They wonder if they should make a bigger car to compensate for the little bit of the environment that is perking up due to the friendlier fuel.
We bought some beef jerky and wished Bio-Willie farewell as we had a soda-tasting with the Music For Listeners home-boys. Here is one last photo from that day, post-soda-taste.