3. Jon, 9
4. Thomas, 8
5. Sam and Josiah, 7 each
7. Joe, 6
8. Harry and Julie, 1 between the two of them
10. Nick, 0
August 23, 2007
How Many Burritos DID Jeff Eat?
August 16, 2007
Sam Hughes Reviews: Mountain Dew Game Fuel (in assosication with Halo 3)

As I said, the packaging is kind of how you’d expect. It’s got a picture of Master Chief (star of Halo for those who don’t know) looking badass alongside a different colored Mountain Dew Logo and the words “limited edition” and “game fuel” (not to confused with Gay Fuel) Upon opening the soda which claims to be “Dew with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor” I was greeted with quite the pungent odor. I’d liken it to the sensation of sniffing gasoline fumes at the pump. I mean, yeah it smells awesome, but that shit can’t be good for you. It’s also just a bit too radioactive looking to me. It certainly shouldn’t be a surprise by any means, considering this is a Pepsi product and those guys have produced a chemical product worse than fucking anthrax.
In terms of taste, it’s not nearly as bad as Pepsi Blue. It tasted very familiar at first and I think that I have found the culprit. To me it tastes like a hybrid of Mountain Dew Baja Blast and a Cherry Slurpee from 7-11. Since 7-11 is also co-conspiring in this whole campaign by selling the Doritos, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just let the Pepsi people just take some of their unused Cherry Slurpee syrup and make another soda out of it. Another issue of confusion here is if this is a cherry version of Mountain Dew, then what the hell is that Mountain Dew Red Fusion shit we’ve been drinking? It doesn’t really taste the same at all, so I don’t really get it. Different kinds of cherries? Whatever. This thing, along with the Doritos will sell well (I think) because assholes like me love to buy into this thing. I’m may never even play Halo 3 but I’m all psyched about there being a soda about it. The soda is alright. Not better than original Mountain Dew, but better than Pepsi Blue. A huge accomplishment, right?
August 15, 2007
Sam Turns 40
Late Night Special
I've been meaning to post this video for everyone to see for a while. Fellas like Pipelayer and XTC are what make the world go round. I think if this video were played before every U.N. conference, the world would be a much more peaceful home.
After watching, try humping an ottoman near you or just walk and hump at the same time, like Relentless does, in what the spinto band refers to as "the snake dance" and/or "the snake walk". It feels good. Next, try getting together with 4 or 5 of your buddies, take your shirts off and hump ottoman's together. The smoother the tunes playing in the background, the better. Every Wednesday at our ottoman humping pot-luck dinner, we try playing new rhythm and blues or sometimes try a bit of japanese pop just to mix things up... it's all fun to snake dance to.
Now that we all know that it's alright to film ourselves in our parents' living rooms humping furniture, I hope to see a lot more of liberated human beings letting loose on coffee tables, love seats, and flower pots.
"This video is fucking hilarious." - Karl Rove
August 11, 2007
heart in a blender
here at the studio there resides a guitar that was previously owned by the rock outfit eve 6.
i held this guitar in my hands.
August 10, 2007
From The Vault
If anyone has listened to XFM, they know how most single advertisements go: "Coming Soon... Razorlight's new single, I'm an Ass, on CD, 7 inch and digital download. blah blah blah." They are all pretty much like infomercials and make you wish they just played that Whats That Coming Over the Hill song again. We tried to do something different with ours, hope you enjoy.
Bummer in the Summer Ad
Prep Yoself Ad
Ides of August Ad
end note- we are trying to locate the radio ads for Did I Tell You and Direct To Helmet featuring such characters as Dr. Octavius and Bill Cosby. So lets hope we can find them.
August 7, 2007
(Thomas) Hughes Reviews: 9 Soda Discoveries of 2007


2. Mint Julep Soda - A soda version of the south's favorite cocktail? I’m in! This number is made with real mint leaves, comes in a green glass bottle, and could quite possibly be the perfect drink for a hot summer’s day. The only gripe I really have with it is the artwork. The layout seems kind of lazy, and at the top you might notice it claims to be “Plantation Style”. As crisp and refreshing as the soda was, evoking imagery of the old south made it taste a little racist.

3. Fukola Cola – It took me a bit to work up the nerve to purchase this soda. It’s ugly and has a terrible name in a hideous font. You probably can’t read it, but on the label it reads, “Anytime, anywhere, with anyone”. Ugh. This bottle is just brimming with the kind of Dionysian attitude I hate, but since I’m a fan of micro-brewed cola, I had to buy it. The tragic thing is about Fukola is that it actually tastes good. It has one of the best aftertastes of any soda I’ve ever had. It resembles the flavor of Candy Cigarettes or the white edible “dipper” in Fun Dip. Why, Fukola, why? Why do


6. Moxie Original Elixer – Now, I’ve had “Moxie” before, but this is supposedly the real deal. Any kind of Moxie sold in regular stores is just “watered-down diarrhea juice”, according to John F. Nese*. John did tell me, however, that this stuff is so strong that it takes years to acquire a taste for it. This made my expectations pretty high, so I prepared my tongue to accept what I thought would be the most heinous medicinal liquid imaginable…It actually turned out to be pretty good. It’s a bold, unique drink that I would never have on a regular basis. Maybe once a month, to keep the spirits strong and the doctor away.

7. Iron Beer – The only one in this batch that came in an aluminum can. It originates in

9. “non-alcoholic cereal beverage”…Really, this Malta Hatuey seemed to be the most exciting of the bunch! I kept on thinking this until I finally opened the bottle. It smelled like death. It tasted like a mixture of carbonated ovaltine and expired tomato juice. People actually drink this? Afterwards, I did some research on it and learned that it is named after the heroic Chief Hatuey, who, in the 16th century lead his people in battle against the imperialistic Spanish colonists. Sadly, he was eventually captured and burned alive at the stake. Before he was burned, a priest asked him if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. Hatuey asked “Are there Spaniards in heaven?" When the priest assured him that there were many, Hatuey replied that he wanted nothing to do with a God that allowed people of such cruelty to be perpetuated in his name. Man, you seem like an awesome guy, Hatuey, but your ceral beverage kind of blows.
*Not true. John Nese is a wonderful man who would never use this kind of obscenity.
August 4, 2007
August 3, 2007
Shark Week or X-Games?
Shark Week.