And not goofing with any bees.
3. Jon, 9
4. Thomas, 8
5. Sam and Josiah, 7 each
7. Joe, 6
8. Harry and Julie, 1 between the two of them
10. Nick, 0
As I said, the packaging is kind of how you’d expect. It’s got a picture of Master Chief (star of Halo for those who don’t know) looking badass alongside a different colored Mountain Dew Logo and the words “limited edition” and “game fuel” (not to confused with Gay Fuel) Upon opening the soda which claims to be “Dew with an invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor” I was greeted with quite the pungent odor. I’d liken it to the sensation of sniffing gasoline fumes at the pump. I mean, yeah it smells awesome, but that shit can’t be good for you. It’s also just a bit too radioactive looking to me. It certainly shouldn’t be a surprise by any means, considering this is a Pepsi product and those guys have produced a chemical product worse than fucking anthrax.
In terms of taste, it’s not nearly as bad as Pepsi Blue. It tasted very familiar at first and I think that I have found the culprit. To me it tastes like a hybrid of Mountain Dew Baja Blast and a Cherry Slurpee from 7-11. Since 7-11 is also co-conspiring in this whole campaign by selling the Doritos, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just let the Pepsi people just take some of their unused Cherry Slurpee syrup and make another soda out of it. Another issue of confusion here is if this is a cherry version of Mountain Dew, then what the hell is that Mountain Dew Red Fusion shit we’ve been drinking? It doesn’t really taste the same at all, so I don’t really get it. Different kinds of cherries? Whatever. This thing, along with the Doritos will sell well (I think) because assholes like me love to buy into this thing. I’m may never even play Halo 3 but I’m all psyched about there being a soda about it. The soda is alright. Not better than original Mountain Dew, but better than Pepsi Blue. A huge accomplishment, right?
9. “non-alcoholic cereal beverage”…Really, this Malta Hatuey seemed to be the most exciting of the bunch! I kept on thinking this until I finally opened the bottle. It smelled like death. It tasted like a mixture of carbonated ovaltine and expired tomato juice. People actually drink this? Afterwards, I did some research on it and learned that it is named after the heroic Chief Hatuey, who, in the 16th century lead his people in battle against the imperialistic Spanish colonists. Sadly, he was eventually captured and burned alive at the stake. Before he was burned, a priest asked him if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. Hatuey asked “Are there Spaniards in heaven?" When the priest assured him that there were many, Hatuey replied that he wanted nothing to do with a God that allowed people of such cruelty to be perpetuated in his name. Man, you seem like an awesome guy, Hatuey, but your ceral beverage kind of blows.
*Not true. John Nese is a wonderful man who would never use this kind of obscenity.
I’ll start this review off by admitting that I’ve never had a peach soda that I’ve actually enjoyed. How many peach sodas have I actually tasted in my life? Probably two, maybe three. How many actual peaches have I eaten in my life? Honestly, it’s got to be less than ten. I’ve never been one of those “pick up a peach and eat” kind of guys. You know the type. There’s something about that fuzz which makes a little too human-like and a little too tickly. That’s troubling to me. Anyhow, whether this makes me qualified to review this soda, I don’t know, but what really makes me qualified to review anything? Absolutely nothing, and that’s why I post these things on a poorly trafficked web log rather than the New York Times. Blah, blah, blah, onto the review.
*I always liked the name “Chemical Ali.” That made me think of him. He died, right? From now on, all peach sodas will be known as Chemical Ali’s favorite drink because that’s what they taste like, chemicals.
Galco’s Soda Shop: 1000000000000000000/10!
*Ridiculously false. But, if Manhattan Special soda company were depraved enough to make a pube soda, you can guarantee that shit would be straight off the balls, no artificial polyester pubes or something.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m usually a fan of your thrift stores. In fact, I’ve purchased most of my pants and bric-a-brac from some of your finer establishments. In terms of quality, service and management, your shops are always miles ahead of your smiling competitor. You organize your clothes by both size and color and you keep your prices low to accommodate those in need of inexpensive t-shirts and coffee mugs. You even reward loyal patrons by offering daily discounts and sales, and I can’t really explain why, but I’ve always felt a sense of warmth upon walking through your doors.
However, upon entering your location at
The store in question was filthy, disorganized, and extremely over-priced. Now, there is a slight chance I’m letting my prejudices of this city color my judgment here, but a twenty-five dollar typewriter that didn’t even work? You must be joking. In addition to that, there was a serious lack of effort in the organization of clothing. I’m going to guess that the lack of gender separation owes less to the progressive nature of
The thing that really got my goat, however, was the $85 Nintendo 64 you had in your little display case. Eighty-five dollars? Did you even do any research before you affixed that ridiculous price to its plastic casing? The Nintendo 64 came out ten years ago. On Ebay they are going for about 25 bucks, and that’s the worst place to find a deal. From what I could tell, your Nintendo 64 didn’t come with any games, controllers, or even a power source. The Salvation Army has never been an antique shop, nor should it strive to be one. You’re supposed to be a charitable organization whose goal is to help your fellow man, and an $85 Nintendo 64 helps no one.
I mean, I don’t even want the Nintendo 64, but what about some old woman who thinks their grandchildren might? You want to rip off a poor old lady? Then you’re a dick, Salvation Army. I thought I knew you.
- thomas